Inmates and Officers graduate

There was a graduation of prison officers and prison inmates

By Tatenda Matambo

Jun 5, 2024

Thirteen inmates and officers graduated after successfully completing The Voice of Prophecy Discover Bible Guide Course offered by Seventh Day Adventist Church at Filabusi Prison. The main goal of this course was to teach inmates to know Jesus Christ personally and learn how to apply his Word into their lives. Guest of honour Dr Simanga Ngwenya praised graduates for their participation and hard work throughout the course. The bible brings some changes in human lives and will lead you to the right direction, the bible will never leave you the same,''he said. In his speech at the graduation officer in charge Filabusi Prison Chief Correctional Officer Sipo Moyo thanked SDA church for their partcipation in the rehabilitation of offenders. As ZPCS Filabusi we thank the SDA church for conducting this programme because it will give a change to the graduates' lives and it plays a role in the rehabilitation for their successful re-intergration back to the community,''said Moyo.

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